Change The World Educate Girls

The heart of TEACHERS OF THE NATIONS  is to impact the communities where our kids live. So, we try to empower their families and thus impact their lives.

Avian Park Library Visit

March 16 2022

The girls in Avian Park experienced a treat in celebration of South African Library week. They were given books that contained pictures, but no words, and then asked to create a story. The diversity of gifts and strengths were obvious as each group presented their imaginative tales. Some of the girls are clearly gifted as teachers. Others are gifted as actors. Thanks to the staff of Avian Park Library for such a splendid activity! The girls left with goody bags filled with a daily devotional and a library card application.

Watermelon Day

28 December 2021

Gillian Villjoen generously donated 15 watermelons for our program. After a slow start (because some of the students were still in bed), we gathered steam after delivering watermelons first in Riverview and headed to Avian Park. What started out as originally as a ministry to our kids turned into a community-wide affair. The sweet, delicious fruit satisfied the appetites and thirst of many. In addition, the event also gave us a chance to see the children after the Christmas holidays.

March 22, 2018

We took ten children from Riverview for a picnic and a hike up the mountains near the dam at Worcester. They were so excited and happy that they sang praise songs spontaneously all the way back. Much thanks to Kevin Daly for being such a gracious host.

November 22, 2017

It was a fun day for the younger girls. They were chauffeured to the house in the YWAM van and then engaged in vibrate praise and worship, followed by some unusual games. Jamie Lee taught a lesson on faith thru the life of Sarah, Abrahams‘s wife. Even when things look impossible, we can trust God to keep his promises. Afterwords, it was time for a hearty meal, bath time, and a movie. The girls who are spending the night at the ministry house will join us tomorrow for School at MasterPeace Academy during our Open Day. Leah, Priscille, Jaime Lee, and Fernanda joined us this evening, and their assistance was greatly appreciated.


September  2017

Have you thought about supporting the mercy ministry of Teachers of the Nations? Here is a simple way to do so.

Please send any toiletry item donations to: PO Box, 7027 Waterfront Post Office, Worcester, SA 6850.

Girls typically miss more than 30 days of instruction because they cannot care for their monthly cycles while in school. We are making packs that include a small soap, a cleansing pad, a reusable sanitary pad, and some other toiletry items in a carry-all. Thanks in advance for your assistance!



June 15, 2017

Back at Avian Park Library in the hopes of helping parents learn how to live within their means. Daniellia Hermanus provided a session on budgeting and financial planning which is desperately needed.

 May 23, 2017


Daniellia Hermanus is one of the most well-known artists in the world. She helped the girls to brainstorm ideas for profit-making ventures. The hope is that the girls will be able to provide for their own personal support and perhaps their families as well. 

April  2017

It was great having Joann Jeffery, a licensed marriage and therapy counselor, serve the community and girls. At Chip Ross in Riverview, Jeffery facilitated an interactive lesson on bullying. She provided a parenting seminar in Avian Park. In addition, she aslo counseled abuse victims at House of Hope, helping them to recognize and thus break the cycle of domestic violence. She then held a special counseling session for selected parents and children at the ministry house. The girls enjoyed learning about self-identity and worth while their parents received insightful direction and encouragement towards healthy parental and child interaction.

December 6, 2016

Our last meeting of this year, and we took this opportunity to visit the new library in Avian Park . Thanks to Mrs Felicia; we had a great overview of the facility, and it’s really fantastic. In addition, books are available so that the children can also come to study, use the computer to do research, print and make copies, and the younger ones can come for kids programs. What a blessing for the community! 

 November 24, 2016

 We had our “store event” at the end of the year at Riverview. The kids got credit to buy clothes, shoes, small toys, snacks, and while waiting they could enjoy the jumping castle. It was an opportunity to celebrate their hard work and diligence and enjoy fellowship with one another. In truth, it was a rare opportunity for them to simply be kids.


August 17, 2016

We all arrived safely at the dentist’s office. For Shonice, it was her first time ever. The special treatment we received made it worth the wait. Dr. Yvonne Jourdan was quite gentle in her approach. 

Because of the extensive damage to Shonice’s teeth, the dentist first had to take x-rays and then plot out a course of action. Shonice had one tooth, which was unsalvageable, extracted today. The doctor reassured me that she would be able to repair the front teeth enabling her to have a more beautiful smile.

For these girls, a visit to the dentist is an unimaginable experience, but they were brave. Simone’s teeth were broken during an attack in Avian Park. The teeth became infected. Yet, Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hofmeyer was able to save the tooth, performing a costly procedure for free. The nerve was removed from the teeth, and the teeth were splinted together in hopes that the bone will regenerate. The procedure was risky and took a great deal of expertise and time. In some of the photos, you will see associates of the doctor looking on as he performs the procedure.

At the end of the visit, the girls were given toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash. They will return in two weeks for a visit with the oral hygienist who will give them instructions of how to care for their teeth. Two kids down, five more to go. This is South Africa at its finest! Today, I am proud to call this place home. 

December 5, 2015

The girls performed at a Christmas Event at the Rolihlahla Creche in Avian Park.It was a great opportunity to show their talent to their parents and their community – thank you Miss Emily. They did very well.

Here are some pictures from the practice and performance itself!


October 7, 2015

We had a great time with some of the parents and family members of the girls. A special thank you to Tineke and Chris Baas for running the workshop. It was quite amazing and empowering! It’s a great blessing when we can work together.