Change The World Educate Girls
Adopt a Child

Who are we?
Teachers of the Nations is a non-for-profit organization whose goal is to empower girls and boys in the Western Cape of South Africa through education, and provide them with the necessary skills for financial independence and a successful life.
What is ”Adopt a Child”?
The outreach ministry of Teachers of the Nations seeks to connect loving Christian sponsors with young believers who are being discipled in the minitry’s afterschool programs.
What is expected from the sponsor?
If one chooses to sponsor or ”Adopt a Child,” one is committing to prayerfully bring the child’s needs before the Heavenly Father on a daily basis and to provide a donation of $25 monthly in the child’s name, which is to be used for school supplies, clothing needs and also to cover general expenses for outreach in the child’s community.
Who are these children?
The children who regularly attend the discipleship classes range from ages from three years of age until nineteen. They attend over ten different schools located throughout the town of Worcester. (The ages in brackets is how old they turn, or turned, in 2020)
Where are they from?
These children are from predominantly-colored and black communities that struggle with high rates of crimes, fatherlessness, homelessness, poverty, teenage pregnancy, and diseases such as TB, AIDS-HIV and diabetes. Their one chance out of their predicament is Christ-centered discipleship and access to quality education.

Birthday: 8 May
Angelique is a sweet child who is a bit timid. Her big sister helps and supports her. Would you please pray that she would be freed from timidity? Would you pray that she would be perfect in Christ love?

Abigail T
Birthday: 21 October
This young lady is quiet, but strong. She is the oldest of five siblings. Would you please pray that her sweet, gentle, and sensitive spirit will not be crushed by her surroundings? Please also pray that she would walk in good boundaries, that she would know God as her Father, and that she would rest in God’s love?

Birthday: 11 November
Blessed with a beautiful singing voice. He’s been labeled attention deficit, but he is quite intelligent. Would you pray that he would grow in social skills and build godly friendships? He is already made a confession of faith. Will you pray that he will grow in intimacy of Christ?

Birthday: 8 May
A very active, imaginative, and brave child. She literally fears nothing. Will you pray that her hunger for Christ will continue? Will you pray that God use this for fearlessness for the advancement of His kingdom?

Birthday: 23 March
Canville has a can-do spirit. When we began making repairs on the playground, he willingly joined in, removing rocks, carrying trash, and doing anything asked of him. He is quite bright, energetic, and has a servant’s heart. He also cares for, and is attentive his sister. Please pray that God’s love will be rooted in his heart.

Estelle B.
Birthday: 14 June
Estelle has been able to show us her abilities with ease, and we are grateful to be able to give her opportunities for her life ahead. Please pray that she would show the same diligence and moxie that she has exhibited in the past. Please also pray that she will attend school and finish her academic career strongly. Most importantly, please pray that she will love God with all her heart.

Birthday: 11 May
Leandre is a precious child who loves to give hugs and express affection through touch. She is struggling emotionally. Her family situation is not the best, but she is always cheerful and affectionate. She is a needy child who craves attention and affection, but sometimes, tries to receive affection in wrong ways. Please pray that she will find perfect affection in God’s grace.

Merilyn J
Birthday: 8 July
Merilyn has been attending the program for about 7 years. She has great leadership potential, but unfortunately she struggles with constancy. Her home life is very unstable; she has to assume responsability for her younger sister. Therefore, she has little time to be a child. Would you please pray that she would guard her heart and not enter into temptation? Please pray that she would continue to seek God and know Jesus personally.

Estelle P
Birthday: 8 May
Estelle has a difficult home life. Her father is recovering from a stroke. She is a sweet child, but she is in the middle of transition. Would you please pray that she would firmly come over to God’s side? Would you pray that she would know God as her provider, and that she would not lean on her own understanding or on her own plans for survival.

Felicia Moos
Birthday: 19 February
Felicia has a great deal of leadership ability, and she has been growing leaps. She has exhibited great strength of character. Yet, she struggles with a physical ailment, an injury in her left foot since childhood. Would you please pray for complete healing emotionally and physically for her? Please pray that her academic goals and desires for the future will be fulfilled.

Fredonick / Nicki
Birthday: 13 April
Nicki is a joy to be with each day. Affectionate, loving, and kind, she is the next generation of leader. She is obedient and loves the word of God. Would you please pray that her sweet, compliant, and generous spirit will be used mightily by God?

Birthday: 7 February
Lario is a regular attendee to our Wednesday meetings. He’s an active young man with a vivid imagination. He is always quite cheerful and generally helpful. Would you please pray that he would get to know Jesus more?

Birthday: 18 November
Liesel has struggled with self-acceptance. Having lost her father at a young age, she has gravitated towards men for love. Although she became a young mother at 15, she cares wonderfully for her daughter, Rosedine. Would you please pray that she would finish school, wait for true love, and continue to provide solid and responsible care for her child? She needs much healing in her heart, mind, and within her family.

Birthday: 20 July
A little spitfire she is! Tiny yes, but she has boundless energy and attitude. Would you please pray that she would begin to grow into a goldy woman that manifests the fruit of the Spirit? Declare over her that she is a Proverbs 31 woman.

Birthday: 27 July
Although tiny as well, and being the younger sister of Magda by three years, Magdalene is also a little spitfire. I guess it runs in the family genes. Would you please pray that God would use that zest for life for His purposes? Please pray that she will have a Godly attitude in all that she does.

Birthday: 30 June
Melanie comes from a stable family. At present, her father is at home, and her mother is looking to her to take care of her siblings. She has a quiet spirit. Would you pray that her true obedient nature will remain intact? Please also pray for her to be successful in school, and not deny her natural ability and giftedness.

Birthday: 13 April
Like her sister, Melanie, she enjoys attending our meetings. She is a bit shy. Would you please pray that she grow in concfidence in speaking English and sharing her concerns? Please also pray for her to grow in grace with God.

Birthday: 16 April
Mikayla is a sweet even-tempered child. She is a bit shy, but quite bright. Would you please pray that she will submit all of her fears and desires at the feet of Christ?

Birthday: 31 March
Najmie is a sweet child with a quiet spirit. He has attended the program for years. Would you please pray that he would follow Jesus foremost in his life?

Pamela B
Birthday: 6 November
Pamela attends our Avian Park meetings. She is quite intelligent. Would you please pray that she would gain more social skills and find goldy friends? Please also pray that she would consistenly attend the meetings so that she might grow in her knowledge of Christ?

Birthday: 12 November
Phrevin is a natural leader and student of the Word. He always answers all the questions correctly when it’s time for a review of the Bible lesson. He is quite energetic and quite intelligent. Please pray that God’s perfect will for his life will be fulfilled.

Racquel / Kelly
Birthday: 30 January
A very well behaved and pleasant child. Would you please pray that she would be freed to walk in God’s truth.

Birthday: 17 May
Rochelle has attended our meetings for about three years now. She is quite quiet. However, inside there appears to be undealt-with anger. She is one who needs help in relating to peers and processing her anger correctly. Would you pray that the fruit of the Spirit would be fully expressed in her? Pray also for favor, wisdom, and self-control in all that she does.

Birthday: 18 March
She is sweet, affable and obedient. She is a treasure for she listens well and attends it to her lessons. She plays well with others, and consistently attends the program. She is active, verbal, and social all while doing so in appropriate ways. Her behavior is such a blessing. Please pray that her affable spirit will attract others to Christ.

Birthday: 25 October
Salome has struggled with self-control and angry outbursts. Recently, she has gained a greater measure of self-control in the classroom and outside of it. Would you please pray that she continues to learn how to manage her emotions, obey those in authority, and be a true friend to those around her? Please pray for her to have deep godly relashionships and interact well with her peers. Also, pray that she would manage her cravings and resist addiction to substances that are not healthy.

Birthday: 16 January
From a Muslim family, Shakirah has been very faithful to attend the program in Riverview. She is thirsty for God and for affection. Please pray that she will follow her heart and love Christ deeply.

Birthday: 21 January
A rather quiet girl, but she is quite gifted and intelligent. She is a student in our after-school music program. Please pray for her to be rooted and grounded in God’s love.

Birthday: 8 April
Susan lives in an unstable household. She lives with her sister; at other times, she lives with her mother. This dysfunctional setting makes it difficult for her to be successful in school. She has also suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome which in the past has created a significiant difficulty for her in learning. Please pray that she will break free of all of the bondages that come from generational curses in her family.

Tahir has been in the program since he was a toddler. His brother, Zahir, and his sister Shakirah, also have attended the program. His family are practicing Muslims. He lost his father a few years ago in a car accident. Would you please pray that he would come to know the love of his Heavenly Father?
Due to the death of his father, his family has been in dire financial straits. His mother gave birth to another baby boy just a while after his father’s passing. This family is in need of succor.

Birthday: 27 December
Although small in size, she is big in spirit. She appears to be quiet, but she really is not shy at all, once one gets to know her. Her two older brothers also attend our meetings. Would you please pray that all the gifts that God has placed within her would be used for His glory?

Birthday: 24 April
Verencia struggles in learning, she has been held back for an additional year in first grade. She has a gentle spirit, but often struggles to express herself and fears many things. Would you please pray that God would bring healing in all of these areas?

Birthday: 18 March
Zelda is a natural leader. She has grown measurably in terms of her spiritual maturity. Her conduct and academic work have greatly improved in the last few months. She lives with her grandmother who is a godly woman and has been married to her husband for over 50 years. Please pray for her to continue to grow in the way of the Lord and to live up to the potential that is within her.